
Tag Archives: Sodium bicarbonate

Harry Watson’s primary goal in founding Precious Waters was to help as many people as he could who suffer some kind of disease or infection that might be helped by Nanosil 10 nanosilver.

As noted many times, Harry makes no claims whatsoever for Precious Waters Nanosil 10, other than it is an approved dietary supplement.  However, it is always music to his ears when someone calls and tells him they are feeling better after taking it.

Yesterday Harry got a cal from a gentleman in Ocala FL, who sounded as though he was in his 60s or 70s, and who had been taking nanosilver for 5 weeks for his cancer, which was in his stomach and which was similar in many ways to the cancer Harry had, but got past a few years back with the help of nanosilver and baking soda.

This fellow had recently had an operation where the docs removed a large tumor from his abdomen and told him that he had about one year max of life left, and there was no way he could expect to recover.  His cancer like Harry’s had a lot of mucous attached to it and he had not felt well at all when he started to take the nanosilver.  Most of the time he was flat on his back.

At any rate, he called to order more nanosilver and to tell Harry that he was feeling really well, felt like he was making great progress, was no longer flat on his back as he had been, and had a much brighter outlook.

Nothing makes Harry happier than to get this kind of feedback. The fellow is due for a pet scan in the next two weeks, and hopefully he will call Harry to let him know the results.  At this point there is no evidence through scans or any other means that there has actually been an improvement, other than that the fellow feels much better.  But stay tuned and we should soon learn if the scan indicates some improvement!  As always, no cause/effect relationship is claimed.

Talk about interesting anecdotes!  Remember, no claims are made for Harry Watson’s Precious Waters brand nanosilver.  But this story involves a condition that has never before been associated with nanosilver.

About three years ago, the youth pastor in Harry’s southern California church, Godfrey, finally got to deliver a sermon, and it was so powerful, with emotion and rapid fire delivery, that the church elders were very impressed.  So much so, in fact, that they sent him on a mission to Chicago.

Not too long after that, he became totally paralyzed.  The church told the major hospital in Chicago that they should spare no expense in helping him recover, but after 6 months the doctors there concluded they could do nothing to help him, and sent him home.

The church helped set up volunteers to care for and support Godfrey and his family 24/7.  Harry’s wife Donna was one of many volunteers.  After two years, all of them had given up hope for improvement and simply wanted to provide as much care as possible.  This was understandable, since he couldn’t speak, his eyelids drooped, and he couldn’t look at you or turn his head.  Every Sunday the family or volunteers took him to church in a wheelchair, where everyone felt bad for him because he never seemed to improve even a little bit.

Finally Harry got so concerned that he suggested to the family and to some in the congregation that perhaps some unknown, undiagnosed pathogen had infected Godfrey in Chicago, and it might be worthwhile for him to try using nanosilver, since it certainly wouldn’t harm him, and conceivably it could help if indeed it were such an infection causing the paralysis.

Understandably, however, for a long time no one agreed that he should be given the nanosilver.  Some in the congregation were no doubt concerned about liability, and others just could not see how it could help.  Those in the congregation who had used nanosilver, however, felt it was worth a try and encouraged Harry.

Finally, in mid-August Harry and his wife Donna could witness his suffering passively no longer, and decided to donate all the nanosilver that might be required to stimulate recovery, or at least enough to conclude after a trial period that it wasn’t having any effect.  They persuaded the family to at least try it, since it would cost nothing and would certainly do no harm.

Harry instructed the family to give him one ounce three times a day, the dosage that recently was given to a late-stage cancer patient who recovered using nanosilver and taking chemo.  After a month, though, Harry and Donna concluded it probably wasn’t having any positive effect, since there seemed to be no change in his condition.

That all changed this past Sunday, when someone at the church said to him, “Good morning Godfrey.”  Imagine his surprise and elation when he heard the reply, “Good morning Michael.”  It was clearly spoken and Godfrey’s eyes no longer drooped.  He could actually move them around in different directions.

Now Godfrey was supposed to take baking soda with the nanosilver, but with his paralysis he was having a hard time swallowing the baking soda, and so he was able to take only a little bit of it.  So for the most part the only change is that he started taking nanosilver regularly, with a little baking soda to the extent he could swallow it.

This is not to claim any cause and effect relationship, and this is just an anecdote with absolutely no scientific significance.  But here we have a situation where, in less than two months, someone who had been totally paralyzed for three years starts to speak clearly and move his eyes … just a little over 6 weeks after he started to take nanosilver.  What a wonderful coincidence!

Just imagine, if some cause and effect relationship were to be established in the future, there might be thousands of people with undiagnosed conditions that could benefit.

Harry and Donna are of course elated, and they are eager to see what if anything develops in the coming weeks.  We will keep you apprised of any significant developments if and when they occur.

Harry had three people call him this past week with good news.  There is not a lot of detail, but it is always good to hear about people who improve when they take nanosilver and baking soda.

A lady in Mexico named Cookie was sent home to die because of her brain cancer.  A relative decided to make a documentary about her, as a tribute to a good life that the family could keep to remember her.  It was supposed to be mainly about her last days and things she might want to say in parting.

Well, the relative making the documentary is now beside himself with joy.  She started taking nanosilver and baking soda, and has dramatically improved.  She still has one tumor, but she now functions each day in many ways she couldn’t previously.  No claims of any connection are made, of course.  This is just an anecdote about one person, undocumented.

The relative making the documentary now figures it will be about a remarkable recovery, and he is eager that lots of people learn about it.

Another call was from a medical doctor in Ohio, initially very doubtful that nanosilver and baking soda could help his prostate cancer, but he asked Harry to send him all the technical information available, then ordered 6 bottles that were shipped September 21st.

A little over a week later he called Harry to exclaim “This stuff works!” and he ordered 6 more bottles.  When Harry asked why he would need more so soon, he replied that he is giving it to some of his patients.

The 3rd story is about a fellow from India, who wanted to do something to help his father with liver cancer, and he heard about Precious Waters nanosilver, so he purchased 10 bottles.  He called back this week to order 20 more bottles, and told Harry his father was much improved.

Again, no claims are made in any of these stories, and nothing is documented.  But for Harry, news about even a single person somehow making major strides in beating an illness or infection is cause for great joy.  At age 91 this month, It’s what he lives for, and feedback like this tells him he is doing what he is meant to do by making quality nanosilver available at prices so low that virtually anyone can afford it.

Harry Watson received an email on 8/22/13 from Dan H in California.  Dan had purchased 10 bottles of nanosilver at the start of June, then purchased 10 more bottles on July 15th.

Dan started taking the nanosilver and baking soda, as Harry himself had done when he was supposedly near death from his cancer.  In the late August email Dan mentioned that his urologist was “visibly amazed at how well I was doing”  not too long after he started the nanosilver / baking soda combination.

Dan was determined to “be here for my wife and extend my life.”  He was 60 and she was only 47, and he felt bad about the thought of her being such a young widow.

By the time of the email, Dan said he was “feeling good and starting to look forward to significant years ahead” with his wife.

He attributes his good fortune to the nanosilver and baking soda, but of course, no claims are made.  Precious Waters Nanosilver is approved only as a dietary supplement.  It is, however, another happy coincidence