Positive Update on Australian Man

The Australian man who suffered from a “forest of melanoma” continued to improve in recent weeks and earlier this week sent the following email to Harry Watson.

Good day Harry,
Yes I’m still battling this war of attrition as my youngest son calls it!
Seems that the constant use of PW nano silver, bio carb, and a positive approach to keep battling is slowly now closing out the remainder of
the little horrors I’ve been treating. Nearly done!
Looks like a pretty good Christmas after all!
Huge thanks for your attention and caring support. I’m hoping there are
no further setbacks, the last worry under my tongue has shrunk a lot!
Best regards and may you and your great wife have a great and blessed
John M

Sent from John’s iPad

I spoke with Harry today and he had received a letter from John M which stated that the melanoma under his tongue has now “almost disappeared.”

Naturally Harry is delighted, and naturally, no claims made.  Really satisfying coincidence though.


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